
Indian national elections are here. India chooses members of parliament – Lok Sabha. And then the parliamentarians choose the Prime Minister. The process is similar to other parliamentary democracies. The Indian elections will be conducted in the months of April and May, and the electoral outcome will be known about May 23rd. There are 543 Read More …

Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence

About the National Science and Technology Council The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) is the principal means by which the Executive Branch coordinates science and technology policy across the diverse entities that make up the Federal research and development (R&D) enterprise. One of the NSTC’s primary objectives is establishing clear national goals for Federal Read More …

A Survey of Systemic Risk Analytics

Abstract We provide a survey of 31 quantitative measures of systemic risk in the economics and finance literature, chosen to span key themes and issues in systemic risk measurement and management. We motivate these measures from the supervisory, research, and data perspectives in the main text, and present concise definitions of each risk measure-including required Read More …

Paradoxical Performance – Indian Power Sector in need of interventions

Abstract The Indian Power Sector responded positively to the policy reforms initiated in 1991 in the economic and industrial sectoral domains. The opening up of the power sector witnessed immediate interest and caused almost a gold rush kind of situation. Though the enthusiastic entry happened in tranches that are separated by settling period, overall the Read More …


Elements of Supply Chain Management in Pharmaceutical Industry¹ by Gurumurthy Kalyanaram We are delighted to present our January issues of NMIMS Management Review, and Economics and Public Policy Journals. The quality of the manuscripts and the editorial board speak for themselves. We are also introducing a brand new scholarly journal: NMIMS Engineering and Technology Review Read More …