Transformation of NMIMS – A Case Study on making of an Institution

Institutions are an outcome of a leader’s dream, vision and strategy. In the context of knowledge organizations like educational institutions, which involve talent management, its intangibility, values and culture define the institution. These characteristics differentiate it from all other forms of organization. For example, the culture of collegiality and consensus building helps in making a Read More …

The Long and the Short of It: Do Public and Private Firms Invest Differently?

Abstract Using data from U.S. corporate tax returns, which provide a sample representative of the universe of U.S. corporations, we investigate the differential investment propensities of public and private firms. Re-weighting the data to generate observationally comparable sets of public and private firms, we find robust evidence that public firms invest more overall, particularly in Read More …

A note on Earth based Jurisprudence and Ecological Economics¹

Context Formal disciplines evolve in the context of power and established knowledge practices. Neo-classical economics is presently taught in most mainstream institutions across the world. Ecological economics (EE) is largely a sub-discipline tagged to the broader curriculum. Increasingly, “environmental economics” is offered as an elective at the undergraduate level but conceptually the syllabus is an Read More …

Impact of Demonetisation on Industries in India – An Event Study Approach

Abstract This paper examines the impact of demonetisationon different industry sectors in India. The event ‘demonetisation’, which declared the 1000 and 500 rupee notes in India as illegal tender, was announced on 8th November, 2016. In this paper, we attempt to analyse the impact of the aforementioned event using Event Study Methodology on various industry Read More …

Validity of Altman’s “Z” Score Model in Predicting Financial Distress of Pharmaceutical Companies

Abstract Prediction of financial distress has been a major concern for all companies since the financial crisis of 2008. Financial distress is detrimental to big and small organisations alike. It is costly because it creates a tendency for firms to do things that are harmful to debt holders and non financial stakeholders, impairing access to Read More …

Interest rate pass through in India: Bank Lending Channel

Abstract This paper presents the latest evidence for monetary policy transmission in the form of interest rate pass through, from the perspective of the bank lending channel. With the help of the co-integration and error correction mechanism, it has been observed that there is partial pass through to commercial bank lending rates in the Indian Read More …