Impact of Psychological Employee Empowerment on Employee Satisfaction in the Banking sector in West Bengal

Employee empowerment is giving employees a certain degree of autonomy and responsibility for decision-making regarding their specific organizational tasks. Psychological employee empowerment, structural empowerment, critical social empowerment and social empowerment are some of the common perspectives of empowerment.

The aim of the study has been to ascertain individually the factors affecting psychological employee empowerment and employee satisfaction. This study also attempts to measure the impact of psychological employee empowerment on employee satisfaction.

The study is based on a sample consisting of 402 employees of various banks in West Bengal, India. Data was analysed using Cronbach’s Alpha, Factor Analysis, and Multiple Regression in SPSS Software.

Reliability Analysis by Cronbach’s alpha showed excellent reliability between items of Psychological Empowerment Scale, and Satisfaction Scale. Factor Analysis revealed the factors affecting Psychological Empowerment, and Employee Satisfaction.Multiple Regressions demonstrated a positive relation between psychological employee
empowerment and employee satisfaction.

Competency and Autonomy significantly affect Psychological employee empowerment. Four factors like Company Policies, Nature of Job, Work Environment, and Self Esteem significantly impact employee satisfaction. It is concluded that employee empowerment has a positive impact on employee satisfaction.

Key Words: psychological empowerment, satisfaction, banking sector

Section 1-Introduction
This study is a part of a more in-depth research investigating the empirical relationship between employee empowerment and employee satisfaction. Read Full Article